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Welcome to Amplify Chiropractic

Amplify your life! Chiropractic service including full spine and extremity adjusting,muscle release techniques, and supported exercise instruction.

A functional approach focused on good posture habits and proper movement for recovery and injury prevention. Amplify your life with Dr. Darren Sillito at Amplify Chiropractic.



Spinal alignment and neuromuscular integrity.


Posture assesments and strategies for improvement.


Muscle activation, Stability, Mobility and injury prevention.

Why Us

We know there are many options in our area to choose when it comes to your care. We understand that many of you work hard and play hard - there's no time to waste when getting timely effective treatment. We strive to book same day service for new patients, efficient intake and exam, prompt care, individual programs, competitive pricing, and insurance billing.

Our Staff

Get to know us.

Our Services



Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care includes the assessing, diagnosing, treating and preventing biomechanical disorders that originate from the muscular, skeletal and nervous system.

The main form of treatment is called an adjustment—a non-invasive procedure consisting of a precise directed movement with the goal to restore or to enhance joint function, along with the general goals of resolving joint inflammation and reducing pain.

We strongly believe in supporting the chiropractic adjustment through improving posture and incorporating functional movement into our treatment plans.

We adapt treatment plans to meet the specific needs of each patient. Spine and extremity adjustments are tailored to the patients condition , their age, their comfort level and their expectations.

Dr. Darren utilizes:

  • Manual hands - adjusting techniques
  • Table - assisted adjustments (drop-table)
  • Flexion distraction table
  • Activator instrument (hand held adjusting tool)
  • Soft tissue release therapy
  • Supportive therapy taping

Dr. Darren is authorized to make a direct referral to any medical specialist for consultation and\or treatment when appropriate.


Functional Assesments and Exercise

Life moves and so should you! A complete assessment involves knowing your strengths and weaknesses with fundamental patterns of movement. Posture and movement assessments are vital to planning a corrective treatment program and prescribing exercises.

Adjustments to spinal segments and extremities restore or enhance movement, function and relieve tension on muscles and nerves. It is important to us that you then reinforce proper movement patterns, correct your posture and strengthen your muscles with exercise to support you and your activity.

Assessments and exercise instruction are included in our office. We currently have a exercise area for instruction and patient use. We also utilize a exercises prescription format that you can access thru the internet or App. Our future plans are to include a very detailed and thorough access to a 12 week transformation ( stay tuned)


Workshops and Education

Dr Darren has been involved with community workshops and presentations for years. It is one of his favourite things to do. He has developed a series of workshops using fundamental common weight training lifts to help demonstrate the effect they have on spine and joint mechanics.

Insights on topics of anatomy ,technique, screenings, tests, injury prevention, mobility, etc are shared. A digital picture or video motion analysis of the participants is included to make the workshops more personal and interactive. Connect here to see more on our workshop opportunities.


Massage Therapy

We are currently looking for a registered massage therapist to join our team and support our vision of a healthy active lifestyle for patients in a cooperative treatment atmosphere. Inquire with email.


Backend Development

By Matt Lee

Integer rutrum viverra magna, nec ultrices risus rutrum nec. Pellentesque interdum vel nisi nec tincidunt. Quisque facilisis scelerisque venenatis. Nam vulputate ultricies luctus.

01.00 PM Room 450

Web Application Lite

By David Orlando

Aliquam faucibus lobortis dolor, id pellentesque eros pretium in. Aenean in erat ut quam aliquet commodo. Vivamus aliquam pulvinar ipsum ut sollicitudin. Suspendisse quis sollicitudin mauris.

03.00 PM Room 650

Professional UX Design

By James Lee Mark

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet. Dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.

03.00 PM Room 750

Online Shopping Business

By Michael Walker

Aliquam faucibus lobortis dolor, id pellentesque eros pretium in. Aenean in erat ut quam aliquet commodo. Vivamus aliquam pulvinar ipsum ut sollicitudin. Suspendisse quis sollicitudin mauris.

05.00 PM Room 850

Introduction to Mobile App

By Cherry Stella

Nunc eu nibh vel augue mollis tincidunt id efficitur tortor. Sed pulvinar est sit amet tellus iaculis hendrerit. Mauris justo erat, rhoncus in arcu at, scelerisque tempor erat.

07.00 PM Room 750

Bootstrap UI Design

By John David

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet. Dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.

Book your appointment

Our Online booking is a quick efficient way to set up your first time appointment.

We can also be contacted through phone and email.
( see “contact Us” below)

Do you have Questions?

Let Amplify Chiropractic explain why you should get chiropractic care.

Chiropractic is a health profession focused on assessing and managing spinal and musculoskeletal conditions. A chiropractor does not prescribe medication, but relies on a variety of manual techniques, including spinal segmental adjustments, mobilization, and adjunctive therapies like exercises to improve function and provide pain relief.

Many people think they don't need chiropractic care. However the reality is that Chiropractors are musculoskeletal experts and are trained in assessing, diagnosing, treating and preventing biomechanical disorders that originate from the muscular, skeletal and nervous system.

Chiropractors are also able to provide lifestyle counselling about nutrition, fitness and ergonomics among others that may be useful in managing or preventing a variety of health conditions.

The health of your musculoskeletal system doesn’t just start with a healthy spine, you need to be fully aware of your health to maintain a well-rounded healthy lifestyle! Though you may feel fine, you can always feel the benefits of chiropractic care.

Some of the common conditions people see a chiropractor for include:

  • conditions of the spine and extremities (bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles and nervous system)
  • back pain (thoracic, lumbar and sacral)
  • neck pain (cervical spine and related structures)
  • sports injuries
  • work injuries
  • headaches and migraines
  • whiplash and auto accident injuries
  • repetitive strain injuries/joint conditions, including shoulder, hip and knee
  • arthritis
  • chronic and acute pain syndromes, including myofascial pain syndromes
  • anterior chest wall
  • gait assessment and or posture analysis
  • general health and well being
  • nutrition, therapeutic exercise, lifestyle and ergonomic counselling and recommendations

The main form of treatment chiropractors deliver is called an adjustment—a non-invasive procedure consisting of a precise directed movement to help relieve pain and discomfort, and restore range of motion. An adjustment can be performed in a variety of methods usually tailored to the individual and the doctor’s recommendations.

Amplify Logo


To increase or magnify

To step up or raise to a higher level


Conviently located at Southgate station professional building just north of Costco.

3120 32st S, suite #220

Lethbridge, AB

Tel: 403-942-0880


Monday          9am-Noon | 1:30pm-5pm

Tuesday         9am-12:30pm | 2:30-6pm

Wednesday   1:30pm-5pm

Thursday        9am-12:30pm | 2:30pm-6pm

Friday              9am-12pm
